Saturday, May 16, 2020

Management Principles - Apple - 2509 Words

1.0 Introduction Manager is refers to an individual who is in charge of certain group of tasks, or a certain subset of a company ( Managers are important to organization because they provide organization and leadership to a group of people or employees. They direct and coordinate people work towards a common goal together, as well as help things run more efficiently. Managers play the roles in set objectives and goals for the group, organize the work into manageable activities, motivate and communicate to the team members, measure the appropriate targets, and develop peoples in certain project, a department, and an organization (Drucker). Apple Incorporation is the company selection for this report to deliberate the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Steve note† is a colloquial term for the keynote speech given by Steve Jobs at events such as the Worldwide Developers Conference and previously the Macworld and Apple Expos. For example, in year 2008, he was introduces the MacBook Air during his keynote at Macworld and the most recently Steve note is on June 6, 2011 in which he announced Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud (Apple Inc., 2011). A manager’s interpersonal roles are based on the various interactions with other peoples and maintain good relationships with others that are related to the human skills. a) Figurehead The figurehead role involves handling of ceremonial and symbolic functions for the organization (Daft, 2010). For example, when Jobs attends the annual technology trade show, he is acting in the interpersonal role as figurehead. â€Å"My job is to make the whole executive team good enough to be successors, so that’s what I try to do. My job is to not be easy on people. My job is to make them better. My job is to pull things together from different parts of the company and clear the ways and get the resources for the key project† (Jobs, 2010). b) Leader The leader role encompasses relationships with subordinates, including motivation, communication, and influence (Daft, 2010). As the CEO in Apple Incorporation, Jobs need to play the leader role that has to direct and motivate subordinates, training, counselling, and communicating withShow MoreRelatedManagement Principles Assignment (Porters Five Forces on Apple Inc.)7495 Words   |  30 Pagesthe company’s practices/operations in relation to the selected topic. | 5-9 | | * 2.2 To identify and explain the relevant principles and concepts of management (in relation to the selected topic) those are being applied in the company. | | | * 2.3 To identify and explain the pros and cons in the application of the relevant principles and concepts of management in order to find the problems that will be encountered by the company | 10- 16 | 3 | Recommendations | 17- 21 | 4 | ConclusionRead MoreManagement Principles Assignment (Porters Five Forces on Apple Inc.)7487 Words   |  30 Pagesthe company’s practices/operations in relation to the selected topic. | 5-9 | | * 2.2 To identify and explain the relevant principles and concepts of management (in relation to the selected topic) those are being applied in the company. | | | * 2.3 To identify and explain the pros and cons in the application of the relevant principles and concepts of management in order to find the problems that will be encountered by the company | 10- 16 | 3 | Recommendations | 17- 21 | 4 | ConclusionRead MoreCompare Frederick Taylors Mass Production and Eric Trists Socio-Technical Team Based Production Approaches to the Design of Work Systems1651 Words   |  7 Pagestheory, methods, principles, and role of management. c) Cover the advantages and disadvantages of each system – in which context does each perform best? d) What has led to the decline of mass production in the U.S., and how can socio-technical systems improve productivity and quality? 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