Saturday, December 28, 2019

Women And Women s Advertisement - 843 Words

Men and Women’s Advertisement A commercial is one of the advertisements that we could see in life. When you turn on television, you could see a lot of commercials before programs start. In Men’s Men and Women’s Women, Steve Craig, an author, claims that â€Å"advertisers seem quite willing to manipulate †¦ fantasies and exploit our anxieties, especially those concerning our gender identities.† However, Stan Hope disagrees since he assumes that â€Å"the ads he describes are just light hearted to stories designed to entertain, rather than exploit. Consumers are way too smart to be so easily manipulated in any case.† Advertisements could just describe stores for entertainment like Hope said. However, advertisers should think carefully about gender identities because men and women’s favors are different. Advertisers consider placing their ad on specific time based on demographic, with the age and sex of the consumers to analyze target audie nce; it helps advertisers to concentrate their budgets on the target audience. The best example of the demographic targeting is daytime ad that usually aims at women. Since there are a lot of women working in houses have a chance to watch television, advertisers make daytime commercials for women. Also, they aim at other target customers in other times like prime time and the weekend sports periods. Because men and women usually watch television in different times, advertisers should consider and manipulate customers depend on gender. Craig mentionsShow MoreRelatedAdvertisement Advertisements For Women s Advertising921 Words   |  4 Pagessearch of customers for the companies’ products. As a result, the necessity of target-advertising can’t be underestimated. After all, women had no reason to purchase a $50000 necklace until Pandora proposed the tagline, ‘your jewelry isn’t just jewelry,’ in its latest advertisement in Cosmopolitan Magazine (Pando ra. Cosmopolitan). In that regard, modern advertisements paint a stereotypical image of an ‘ideal’ woman as the classy being, appareled in artificial, perhaps fake, beauty. If it’s not theRead MoreEffects Of Advertisements On Women s Body784 Words   |  4 PagesOff With Her Head If advertisements are going to cut off women’s heads or faces, then they should also cut off a man’s face and head. If advertisements are selling the same product then both men and women need to be treated equally, when it comes to being paid. Have you ever looked at an ad and thought wow that man has a sexy body. Men have you ever looked at an ad and thought wow that women has a sexy body. Well, you’re not the only one. However, have you ever noticed that one add, where youRead MoreGendered Advertisements On Women s Advertising1873 Words   |  8 PagesGendered Advertisements Advertisements in todays media portray an unrealistic view of what it means to be a man or a woman. It is a very narrow, dichotomous structure that only few individuals can fit. We are exposed to these ads, in various forms, hundreds of times throughout the day. There is no in between. Magazines geared towards men and women’s interests are completely saturated with these advertisements. Magazine advertisements impose an unrealistic portrayal of how to â€Å"do gender† and theyRead MoreWomen s Magazines Are Littered With Beauty Advertisements870 Words   |  4 Pagesmagazines are littered with beauty advertisements. On one page, a mascara ad promises thick and long lashes as a symmetrically faced woman holds the wand to her eyes. Her skin is pore less and she appears mechanical.. Turn the page and an actress/model stands with legs the circumference of an arm. She is modeling jeans, yet they are barely on her body. This kind of advertising does not end at the actual adv ertisements. The truth is that the magazine itself is an advertisement of its reader’s inadequacy.Read MoreThe Effects Of Drug Advertisements On Women s Health1331 Words   |  6 Pages Drug advertisements usually demonstrate women through some sort of preconceived judgment. In Plan B One-Step drug advertisement, these stereotypes about women are made particularly clear by assuming that women who require this pill were being unsafe and irresponsible during sexual intercourse (Halas, 2008, p. 4). This is bias as the ad does not consider that the reason a woman may need to take this drug is because all of the necessary precautions she took, failed to work effectively. Plan B One-StepRead MoreAnalysis Of Pantene s Sorry, Not Sorry1591 Words   |  7 Pages Advertisements with women as the target audience are now having to cater towards the new values and ideals held by modern women. Pantene’s ‘Sorry, Not Sorry’ campaign engages with themes of empowerment by paralleling unempowered imagery with empowered imagery. Stereotypes of women with little diversity can be seen within Pantene s commercials. This suggests that though advertisements are making a shift towards more feminist based ideals through the portrayal of strong women there is still conflictRead MoreEssay about American Sexploitation1653 Words   |  7 Pagesview of femininity to sell their products. Every day in America, women get bombarded with thousands of advertisements that promote popular cultures unrealistic views of femininity; images of beautiful, submissive, sexual, and virtually flawless women. Advertisements tell women what they should look like and if they do not meet society?s standards, then they must try harder. Women continue to emulate the females in advertisements in order to pronounce their femininity and gain acceptance by bothRead MoreCigarettes Advertisements : A Look At Couples Essay1540 Words   |  7 PagesCigarettes Advertisements: A look at couples’ portrayal in the past and present Consumers are struck by several different and diverse advertisements trying to incentivize cigarette smoking. Big tobacco corporations have often used masculinity in the characters of their ads whom have made it ‘cool’ to smoke. The advertising of cigarettes goes back to when companies used creative solutions to sell cigarettes, when a scare arose to make cigarettes seem bad for you because it caused cancer. CigaretteRead MoreEffects Of Advertisements On Children And Children900 Words   |  4 PagesAdvertisements are short film or written notices or pictures. Advertisements are something that are shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement. Advertisements can be defined in many different ways. Advertisements of a person or thing that shows how good or effective a product is. Most of the Advertisements has quote next them which is trying to get across a certain point. The Nutella advertisement is trying to prove that gender doesn’t matter. Men haveRead MoreAnalysis : The Persuaders Discusses The Spiritual Transcendence And Emotional Bonds Brands Can Form With Todays Consumers1325 Words   |  6 Pagesbranding is an appeal to a consumer s needs, desires and emotional state. Brands use emotional branding by presenting consumers with advertisements that will create meaning and identity. Emotional branding is not about what the product is, but what it means to consumers. Eyeshadow advertisements â€Å"The Blushed Nude† from Maybelline New York and â€Å"Colorstay† from Revlon present similar products that create distinct emotional bonds with consumers by presenting images of women with distinct emotional desires

Friday, December 20, 2019

To What Extent Is American Capitalism Representative Of...

To What Extent is American Capitalism Representative of European Medieval Feudalism? American capitalism is the foundation by which economic growth has propelled the U.S. economy to be a powerhouse. A system based on free enterprise and the â€Å" sweat of our brows†, it establishes the notion that it is a progressive step in equality and is detached from past economic systems. If one were to look closer, however, it becomes apparent that capitalism is not much of a far cry from feudalism in medieval europe. The lack of social mobility fueled by income inequality is what drives this idea to the foreground since such a practice was seen in many european nations in the medieval ages. This paper seeks to argue that contemporary American†¦show more content†¦Land was the primary means of production and the surplus was expropriated from producers under extra-economic coercion. This is the more traditional type of feudalism that most people have come to know. The second ag e in European feudalism lasted from the 12th century to the 15th century and was marked by a centralized power (Dumolyn). The aristocracy had now consolidated power and became feudal monarchies due to economic growth with new industries such as textiles in Flanders and commerce becoming interconnected with more trade between regions happening as production increased. In order to put this into perspective, analyzing a feudalistic society such as Flanders, is in order. During the first age of feudalism, state power was fragmented, divided between different lords who ruled and exploited their serfs and peasants (Dumolyn). However, after the 1200s, Flanders saw an increase in mortality rates within the labor class which led to a decrease in the amount of revenue the nobility received from feudal rents leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of the noble class. Landowning classes were no longer able to increase their income which led to nobles seeking to gain fortune in princely se rvice (Dumolyn). Counts from the Alsatian dynasty began to consolidate power by raising state taxes.This led to a more centralized administrative network, a growing money economy, and a generalized commodity circulation

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wesfarmers - Business Strategy Evaluation Click Now to Get Solution

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy of Wesfarmers. Answer: Introduction The development that is taking place in the economy has changed the traditional faade balance between supplier and customer. With the introduction of technology and communications in the global regime customers are having varied choices and supply methods are becoming more transparent (Anderson and Vincze, 2004). The organizations are using various processes with the help of wisdom and knowledge for making decisions by creating solutions and strategies to overcome challenges. In this context the company provided is Wesfarmers a conglomerate in Australian market that works on diverse operations. It involves liquor, convenience stores, supermarkets, departmental store, safety products, an industrial division including fertilizers, chemicals etc. Discuss Upon Concepts of Strategy A strategy can be described as a plan that needs to be executed by having an action plan that describes the process of an organization can achieve its mission. It is an intangible aspect that includes taking required actions by realizing the directions. This is formulated by the top management and a means of position by offering products in market. In case of formulation of strategy the managers should decide the resources that are important and develop it overtime (Chernev, 2012). The strategies formulated by the organization regarding the service and product strategies helps in driving operational, management process and support. The strategy formulated has to involve customers by working on the outcome achieved by them. The important is to satisfy the needs of the consumer that can be generated through information gathered through surveys, consumer preferences etc. For instance the retail conglomerate is offering around STG340m to Homebase for rebranding its name to Bunnings. The brand deals in retail gardener concept and is the largest in UK and Ireland market having more than 260 stores. The turnover annually generated is STG1.5bn by taking acquisition approach as Bunnings is a dominant market player in Australia. There is huge potential in the market by working on the growth by generating sales (Berry, 2016). But, the catch is on Britain consumer market as it is competitive more than Australia so, the supply and consumer preferences has to be different in the UK market. The use of technology for connecting with people in online mode by using various social media tools such as social media, online forums, Facebook etc. Consumer preferences are used to market the products as per their need and want that can be over brands. The main problem arises when a single product is getting sold over another that signals to change the strategy. In 21st century the consumers are spoilt for choice so no single message fits for all individuals. Consumer preferences are directly related to customer satisfaction, purchase and engagement by developing their interest (Anderson and Vincze, 2004). Alternatively, market trend helps in altering the market in which the company operates in as this is useful in analyzing the competition by keeping it ahead. This trend works on the evaluation process by looking deep into the industry of how it has grown and where it will go. The different market trend that influences the business is: Change in demographics market Economy changes taking place Taking into consideration the technology advancement Change in interest or needs of the consumer The retail industry of Australian market i.e. Coles supermarket of Wesfarmers is continuously changing and diverse. It depicts positive growth by working on five trends sufficing retail discussed below: Consumers will be involved in content creation in case of buying products online The relationship with supplier in this digital era directly impacts customer by taking decisive action (Chernev, 2012) The designs of the store should be such that the shoppers experience something while shopping products The companies in Australia have to use data for leveraging with analytics and cloud for strengthening the business process Theoretical Concepts of Strategy Principles In order to gain sustainable competitive advantage strategies framed has to be winning for getting an edge over rivals. This competitive advantage helps in competing in the competition by attracting customers and the basic is using capabilities and resources. The resources existing with the firm is helps the manager to formulate and implement strategy. The various resources are: Resources Tangible resources are the physical resources or assets of workplace. It includes: Physical equipment, plant and raw materials Financial resources Abilities of organization like structure and processes Human resources like experience, attitude, skills, knowledge (Borchert, 2008). Intangible resources are termed as non-assets that deal with knowledge, reputation and information. They are: Ability to innovate that involves employees research and facilities Technological resource like trademarks, patents etc. Reputation such as brand name, perceptions etc. The employees are from diverse field with Torres Strait or Aboriginal constituting 61% and having 500 employees alone in Coles. They are skilled in their approach. Capabilities Capabilities are defined as exploiting the resources of the firm by managing the interaction of resources and working in a process. The threshold capability is needed by the organization for meeting its customer requirement in the marketplace. The capabilities include development process of the product, abilities of the manager, learning proficiencies etc. These capabilities provide advantage over the competitors by providing value over competitors (Vorhies and Morgan, 2005). It is on the basis of the time period the business is staying over a time-period by implementing effective strategy. In Wesfarmers the sourcing the raw materials have to be in building respectful and strong relations. In Australian market Coles have grocery and food suppliers by taking in low prices and working on supply chain effectiveness. The customers are served high service by taking care of their wants. An important part of the internal analysis is managing talent i.e. workforce in business by understanding their needs and wants. It can be said that talent is a scared resource so it necessary to be handled with care. Talent management is defined as a commitment to organization by recruiting, retaining and developing superior and talented employees (Kehinde, 2012). In todays world demographic, globalization and technology is changing at pace with the work itself. The workplace has to integrate strategies with that of human resources for bringing change. Technology is a medium that changes the faade of how people work with the use of mobile technologies that does not considers employee physical presence. For this HR department of Wesfarmers have to work in accordance with their needs by fulfilling the objectives of attracting and retaining them. The conglomerate provides opportunities to people in their careers with 75,000 in casual mode and 13,000 are permanent. With this the company engages people in different roles and in peak seasons like Christmas employee strength is broader (Sustainability, 2016). Recruitment is the first step for engaging any candidate as per the skills, attitude and knowledge. It is done through online or offline mode by selecting and retaining the talent. This process of retention engages the employee by fostering engagement by providing them culture that is vibrant and positive. The most crucial is development by providing them opportunity to move ahead in career by proving collective agreements to 85% of the workforce in Wesfarmers. The workers are also provided with training in various aspects like teamwork, customer service and leadership. A program called New Executive Orientation is for the future of the potential workers and managers. Thus, it can be stated that organization culture gives rise to employee engagement and it supports talent management. This enhances the productivity thereby; the performance is increased by making individual contribution for being successful (Chapman, 2006). Discussing upon Environmental Analysis of Workplace The environmental analysis of an organization is important for generating an insight into its macro (external) and micro (internal). This helps in understanding the workplace needs by addressing them effectively by screening the environment. For evaluating macro environment PESTLE analysis is incorporated that is given below of Wesfarmers: Political Factors This factor addresses the taxation policy, trade regulations, government stability etc. issued by the Australian government. An important role in business is balancing between free markets and system control that is also based up on the location of the company headquarters. This affects the business environment by earning revenue as per the organization structure (Marmol et al., 2015). Social Factors This determines the social environment such as demographics, population, cultural trends etc. by discussing on the purchasing power parity of the Australian consumers. The total Population in Australia is 23, 9316 in (000) in year 2015. In the coming 2030 the population will increase to 30.1m increased from 25.9% (Euromonitor, 2016). Economical Factors These factors determine the performance of the economy that has direct implication on company on its long term effects. The inflation rates, GDP, economic growth etc. addresses to the economy condition of the industry. The GDP growth of Australian market in 2015 is 2.5% and inflation growth is 1.5% in 2015 in Australian market (Euromonitor, 2016). Technological Factors Due to continuous research and development technology is changing its faade by inculcating innovation and creativity in industry. The amount of technological process adopted by the organizations is beneficial by moving with the trend. The use of latest equipment by being aware by fulfilling the needs and wants of consumer. Legal Factors The laws established by Australian market for the safety of the consumers by formulating policies and strategies for the workplace. These laws have to be formulated in accordance with the company policies and adhering to legislations for consumer safety. The company has to abide by it for protecting the rights of the consumer. Environmental Factors Wesfarmers work on the climate resilience by reducing the emission from climatic changes and working on water wastage. The business works on recycling the products by being more sustainable and managing the use of water efficiently (Sustainability, 2016). The climatic changes are monitored and managing the emission of greenhouse gas by addressing risks. The micro factors also deals with the internal analysis of the company in for managing it through internal process. For this SWOT Analysis is conducted in Wesfarmers and it is stated below: Strengths The conglomerate is a diversified corporation that is varied in resources i.e. employees and having persistent growth. The company works in large scale by having more than 4000 shareholders by having equity of $24.8bn (Sustainability, 2016). The company has employee strength of 205,000 by working on satisfying the needs of consumer. The focus is on employee training and development in order to retain them with programs being offered. Weakness The company has strong presence in the Australian market as it is serving the people in the domestic market taking risks. The company is not keen on opening in more geographical locations by expanding its reach to the consumer. With this it is unable to take strategic decision still being a market leader in workplace. Opportunities Wesfarmers has the opportunity to expand in new locations outside Australia as the brand serves quality and efficient products. The business is addressed by customer loyalty and serving the employee with benefits for gaining more customers (Moutinho and Southern, 2010). The other option is acquisition with other organizations by increasing the income level. Threats The threats are constant risk from the competitors that act as external as business risk takes the place. The workplace has to modify its terms and condition for being in the marketplace for serving the customer. Due to economic downturn the demand may go down i.e. of products so it has to be offered to the competitors in competitive price. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that business strategy of a business should have the essence of fulfilling customer need. A business has to be performed in a logical manner by working on the source of competitive advantage. The strategy adopted should fill the goals and objectives of the workplace by working in the right direction and perception. References Anderson, C. and Vincze, J. (2004). Strategic marketing management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Berry, P. (2016). Bunnings' big bid for Britain's Homebase. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Borchert, O. (2008). Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(9-10), pp.1041-1044. Chapman, M. (2006). Building an innovative organization: consistent business and technology integration. Strategy Leadership, 34(4), pp.32-38. Chernev, A. (2012). Strategic marketing management. [Chicago, Ill.]: Cerebellum Press. (2016). Australia Country Factfile. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). Australia in 2030: The Future Demographic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Kehinde, J. (2012). Talent Management: Effect on Organization Performances. jmr, 4(2). Koll, O. (2002). The Strategy-Focused Organization. Journal of Business Research, 55(6), pp.531-532. Marmol, T., Feys, B. and Probert, C. (2015). PESTLE analysis. [Place of publication not identified]: 50Minutes. Moutinho, L. and Southern, G. (2010). Strategic marketing management. Hampshire, U.K.: Cengage Learning EMEA. (2016). About Wesfarmers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). Waste and water use. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Vorhies, D. and Morgan, N. (2005). Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Journal of Marketing, 69(1), pp.80-94. Wilson, R. and Gilligan, C. (2005). Strategic marketing management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. Wright, T. (2014). What Talent Management, Engagement And Culture Share - TalentCulture. [online] TalentCulture. Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Young Women & Breast Cancer

Question: Discuss about the Young Women Breast Cancer. Answer: Introduction Among young women, breast cancer occurrences are quite common. In the US, less than 5% of breast cancer women patients fall under the age group of 40. Detection of breast cancer is difficult. Generally, in young women the tissues in the breast are denser than in older women. SO, by the time the lump is big enough to be detected it is delayed (Komen, 2001). One of the very effective and first steps taken by medical practitioners is surgery. The idea is to remove the cancer ingrained in the breast tissue so the chances of its revival are erased. However, this also signifies one is left with one breast and an entire life of new adjustments to make. Women, who have gone through mastectomy, which is removal of the breast, affected with cancer finds it very difficult to wear clothing especially innerwear that can hide the fact. One such brand named Queen Zaria, has made a great effort to provide bras customized for women affected with breast cancer. It is the brainchild of Kamya, who is 24, a Commercial Pilot and herself a survivor of breast cancer. When she underwent surgery along with her own discomforts the biggest one was finding a proper bra. So, she started this endeavor to help other women fight post surgery psychological trauma by providing effective and gorgeous lingerie to them (Anonymous) . This report is to ascertain how or what services Queen Zaria will offer, how the brand can use Word of Mouth and move ahead spreading awareness, where digital methods of marketing will lack in such a sector and how using traditional methods of marketing this niche market can be utilized to its maximum. The brand is recently opening in the Melbourne and Auckland market and wants to study the marketing niche to be followed for this area. Services that should be offered by Queen Zaria brand Kamyas Queen Zaria line of breast cancer survivor womens innerwear is essentially comfortable and an elegant range of lingerie. All the pieces are made carefully with thorough research made by team. Neither the lingerie rubs with the scars, but beautifully hides them for a better presentation. The brand believes in empowering women to go beyond any obstacles in life and be the best at what they are good at (Abrahams, 2016). Here are some of the services outlined by the brand that they will offer:- a) Comfort beyond imagination b) Elegancy in style c) Reasonable but chic d) 24 by 7 support e) Quality products Marketing by Word of Mouth Steps taken by Queen Zaria to promote using Word of Mouth are worth mentioning. Such kind of marketing has today attracted a great deal of attention of the consumers (Trusov, 2009). When hundreds of people start talking about your product and service it transforms the fate of the firm. A small silly moment, a warm smile or a comfortable hand shake can even bring a smile in a woman who has just survived breast cancer. Such is the impact of the disease that it gives everyone a near death realization. Hence, the best way to spread awareness about the Queen Zaria lingerie line, Kamya chose Word of Mouth at the point of contact. For building it up she focused on the following areas:- Step 1 Find people The best way is to find people who have survived such cancer type and start placing benefits and features of the product in those communities. So, finding out bloggers, influencers, groups, survivor and people is the first step. Step 2 Discuss topics Start conversations about the disease in related forums and communities. Here one can place offers and advantageous about the product itself. Step 3 Medium Spread the message here that where one will find such products. You can use a bit of digital marketing, email marketing here to spread the news. Simple spreading coupons, handouts or brochures can further help spread the word. Step 4 Joining conversations This is the crucial part where you talk and interact and erase all doubts of the potential customer about the product. Step 5 Track It is important to measure everything people are saying. Based on these feedbacks products can be made better (Sernovitz, 20150. Digital Marketing Backfires A realization, that to spread news about a product like Queen Zaria range of lingerie for breast cancer survivors, digital medium will not help in all its sectors. For example, one very common way of digital marketing is social media. Well, we agree to that. But, thinking from the point of view of the very woman who has recently underwent a surgery showing herself out there in the world will be tormenting. So, one cannot expect a lot of response coming from social media. Another way of using digital marketing is to send push notifications to people having the mobile app for the product, if they have. Well, that would also backfire. People who are into marketing must never ignore the influence of their marketing on the customer's experience (Waxer, 2015) People want to forget unfortunate events like going through cancer treatment. Sending push notifications will be insensitive and a great reminder to them about their disease. No activity that can stir negative emotions in the mind of the cancer survivors must be used for marketing. Digital marketing methods like sharing personal life experiences and how one has been benefitted by the product will also not work out properly due to the sheer privacy of the matter. Sometimes when one expects customers to gain trust certain steps can accidentally raise distrust and discomfort (Cugelman, 2016) New out of the box marketing techniques Queen Zaria wants to make their presence strong in their recently opened outlets in Melbourne and Auckland. The best part about the brand is that it is catering to niche public and not to general one. Hence, one can think of some out of the box ideas. A very common method will be communicating and partnering with the hospitals and clinics where breast cancer surgery is being done. When a patient comes to the hospital with the hope of survival they are easy to go away with the surgery without second thoughts. As it is a matter of their own life. However, no one wants to be physically less than others. If the product is recommended by the hospital along with their treatment package then it gives genuinity, reliability and positivity to the patient. When she loses something she is given something in return. Hence, the brand must make sure the quality of product is 100% at par with the industry standards and then recommend it to the hospital. So, basically giving these cancer surviving women exactly what they need one can do marketing of the product inherently(McBride, 2015) One another way of marketing is traditional method like advertisements, web media or the print media. One can take part in events and forum meets spreading awareness of cancer. And then carefully placing the brand in the visibility of people who came in these events. Remember not everyone out there is willing to disclose that they have undergone a breast removal surgery due to cancer. It is indeed a fun but challenging work (Budge, 2016) Lingerie for women who has survived breast cancer can really act as a boost of confidence. Women always love to look beautiful no matter what happens. It is just the way they think and that can never be changed perhaps. No disease or sickness can bog down the spirit of a woman who wants to do something in her life. So, the best gift that can be given to her is beauty itself. These comfortable, cute and functional bras can lift up their spirits like never before (Wilbur,2015) References Komen, S. (2001), Young women breast cancer, Retrieved from Anonymous, Working women and breast cancer, Retrieved from Abrahams, M. (2016), This Designer Created a Lingerie Line and Community for Breast Cancer Survivors, Retrieved from Sernovitz, A. (2015), The Five Ts of word of mouth marketing, Retrieved from, M. (2009), Effects of Word-of-Mouth Versus Traditional Marketing, Retrieved from Cugelman, B. (2016), Psychological backfiring. R from Waxer, C. (2015), It's Time to Face Marketing's Impact on Customer Experience, Retrieved from Wilbur,H. (2015), Women who have undergone mastectomies deserve sexy bras, too, Retrieved from Budge,L. (2016), Breast cancer survivor designs own range of fashionable post-surgery bras, Retrieved from McBride, L. (2015). Shaping the future for breast cancer survivors, Retrieved from